NYC Trek 2007
How you can help
While the physical challenges of this walk are a burden we must bear on our own, there are other ways you can help us succeed if you're so inclined.
Perhaps the greatest threat we face is the risk of demoralization due to oppressive heat, drenching rain, lack of sleep, injury, and the inevitable bickering that comes with spending way too much time with the same person. Here are some things you can do to keep our spirits high:
If you see us on the street (here's what we look like), comfort us with affirmations of our inner worth. Or just hurl callous words of derision from your bedroom window. Once we've been walking long enough, we'll probably just be glad to have someone to talk to/be insulted by.
If you don't see us on the street, you can always email us or call our voicemail number (718-407-4697) with whatever kind words/biting sarcasm you have in mind.
If your religious tradition involves any sort of rain dance or other precipitation-causing jig/boogie/rhumba, please refrain from engaging in said dance between June 4th and June 8th.
Pick up after your dog. While we recognize that the odds of stepping in dog crap are pretty high over the course of 150 miles, we'd still like to do our best to avoid it. Thanks.
Do you have any suggestions for our list of demands to be read on the steps of City Hall? Don't be shy.
Is there somewhere in your neighborhood we should check out? If so, please let us know. Due to time constraints, we probably won't be able to include every suggestion in our route, but we'll hit as many as we can.
If our journey leaves you feeling charitable, go participate in or donate to a charity walk in your area.