The Bridges of New York County
Saturday, May 24, 2008 (Memorial Day weekend)
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will this take?
The duration of the walk could vary greatly depending on a number of factors. We're shooting to finish around 9 or 10 at night, but it could be later.
Will we travel as one large group?
This depends on how many people show up. If the group is small, traveling and stopping together is reasonable. But if we have a huge turnout, it will not be feasible, for example, to all stop at the same bathroom and wait for everyone in the group to finish before moving on. In the case of a huge turnout, we will still attempt to travel together, but your subgroup will have to make bathroom and food stops on your own and then catch back up to the main group. We will provide maps of the route to allow you to catch up, as well as a contact number to call in case you get lost. And we'll take a few breaks along the route to allow stragglers to catch up.
Will we stop for meals?
We'll pass many places where you can buy food or beverages, but we won't make any formal stops for meals. You may want to consider bringing your own food so you don't have to stop and buy something every time you get hungry.
Do I need to bring anything in particular?
You'll want to bring some water, and probably some food. You'll need either $2 or a Metrocard to ride the aerial tram from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan. Other than that, it's up to you.
Is there a special treat when we finish?
Sort of.